new media and racism
the matter of the exodus of the north-east people, as important as safeguarding
the cogency of the idea of free flow of information, is recognising and
discreetly annihilating racial ideology from Indian society, says PRIVAT
Posted/Updated Friday, Nov 09
01:18:34, 2012, The Hoot
The recent exodus of North-East Indians living in
Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Pune in the wake of mass circulation of SMS
and MMS warning a possible “reprisal” against the killing of Muslims in
Kokrajhar, has generated a fresh debate about the role of media in a democracy.
Two crucial issues needs to be fore-grounded here. One, there is a need for a
substantive debate on the question of media ethics and the need to
differentiate between propaganda and rhetoric in the epoch of media modernity.
Two, there is this equally important issue of racial discrimination and a sense
of cultural alienation suffered by the north-east Indians in “mainland India”.
The SMS and MMS contained fabricated phone videos of
alleged atrocities inflicted on Muslims in Assam. The SMS warning a possible
violence against the north-east Indians were circulated simultaneously among
the Muslim youths and the north-east people. The entire episode smacked of an
endeavour to dismantle the already fragile communal relationship among various
communities in India and, more importantly, it signalled the entry of
propaganda and rhetoric in the digital/new media platform.
Truth and public opinion
The use of media for the purpose of influencing the
mind of the people is not a new phenomenon. There were the rhetoricians,
professional speechwriters in the ancient Hellenic world (Poe 2011). Plato
complained that there were charlatans who were not really interested in
the Truth at all. Rather, their only aim was to teach politicians to
flatter their constituents and construct a favourable public opinion. Plato
wanted to find the Truth, by which he meant reasoned discussion, a kind of
debate in which real people present arguments and the other real people affirm
or refute them by means of logic (Poe 2011).
A similar idea of attaining Truth through
unrestricted public discussion among citizens was the basic principle guiding
the philosophy of press freedom that developed in Britain during the eighteenth
century (Keane 1991). John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty (1859) offers
three reasons why the guarantee of freely circulating opinion is essential.
First, any opinion which is silenced by the government because it is allegedly
false may prove to be true, in a sense that it may conform to the facts and
survive vigorous counter-arguments about those facts. Second, though an opinion
turns out to be false, it often contains an ounce or two of truth. The
prevailing opinion on the matter is rarely the whole truth. Finally, Mill
argues that even if the opinion is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
it will soon degenerate into prejudice--into a “dead dogma, not a living
truth”--if it goes unchallenged.
Mill developed his argument during the period when
the main antagonist intervening “free information flow” was the government.
Government censorship was the foremost challenge facing the champions of the
“free flow of opinion”. The only existing form of modern communication
channelling and facilitating “opinion flow” was the print and the press in
particular. On the contrary, today, there has been colossal transformation in
the media landscape. Several sophisticated media such as telegraph,
telecommunication, cinema, radio, television, mobile communication, and
internet have been introduced. Media ecology characterised by digitalisation
and convergence is a big industry catering to and fulfilling the diverse needs
and interests of various stakeholders. Of course, Mill might have anticipated
this possible future alteration in media and communication technologies, but
his rationality behind the justification of the “free flow of opinion” needs
retrospection, especially within the context of changing habits of media use
where vested interests have entered their realm.
Opinion and propaganda
Indeed, John Stuart Mill did not consider the
flipside definition of “opinion” which was due to gain special attention from
political critics during the mid-twentieth century after the Second World War.
That alternative form of “opinion” was “propaganda”. Prior to the War, the
term propaganda was used quite openly and freely. It invited negative
connotation after the Second World War when Hitler vehemently used media,
particularly the radio, for disseminating anti-Jew sentiments (Chomsky 1997).
Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in their book Manufacturing Consent,
defines propaganda as a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the
attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself
or one’s group. It traces the routes by which money and power are able to
filter out and construct and manipulate information to control the public mind.
Chomsky and Herman caution of immediate threat to public opinion because of the
size, concentrated ownership, and profit orientation of the dominant media
firms, particularly in U.S., and also because of heavy reliance of the media on
information provided by government, business, and “experts” funded and approved
by the agents of power ( Herman and Chomsky 1988).
While considering the above facts, propaganda may be
also defined as constructed opinion or information aimed at influencing public
mind or sentiment for the purpose of furthering the vested interest of the
constructor or the manipulator. Here, the very contradiction between Mill’s
“true opinion” and the “constructed opinion” needs to be figured out and
adjudicated. And this will be a big challenge for the media policy-makers. The
exodus of the north-east people from the Indian metropolitan cities, after the
mass circulation of doctored video footages through mobile telephony and social
networking sites, is one of the reflections of such contradiction.
India had never confronted such extensive use of the
new media for propaganda before, though use of propaganda in the State
broadcasting network is a recognised fact. During the colonial period, the
imperial government made a liberal use of radio for countering propaganda from
both Berlin and the growing “Home Rule” movement (Thomas 1993). Even after
independence, that tradition was retained (Thomas 1993) by the new Indian
State, mainly in governance of State broadcasting, until the promulgation of
the Prasar Bharati Act, 1990. The enactment of the Prasar Bharati Act, that
freed broadcasting from government’s monopoly to some degree, was an effort to
legitimise free flow of information ( free flow of information suffered a heavy
setback during the Emergency) within the masses. Simultaneously, during the
nineties, India adopted the neo-liberal economic policy bringing far-reaching
reforms in its economic structure. One of the outcomes of such a change was
felt in the media industry brought about by the rapid entry of satellite
television, mobile communication, and internet, thus transforming media habits,
use and choice of the people and guaranteeing de-monopolisation of information
vis-à-vis opinion flow.
Thereafter, India’s information environment appeared
optimistic. But the events in recent years, where media failed to safeguard the
lustre of free information environment and non-interference, have raised
critical questions on the Indian legitimacy of “free flow of information”.
The exodus of the north-east people is the classic account of such failure in
addition to numerous other instances such as the issue of media trial,
consolidation and concentration of media firms, irresponsible reporting (the
case of Mumbai attack), to name a few. Under these settings, India needs a
clear and integrated information and communication policy without invalidating
the Constitutional right to “Freedom of speech and expression”.
It may not always be feasible to arrive at a single
answer for a question. While explicating the matter of the exodus of the
north-east people, as important as safeguarding the cogency of the “idea of
free flow of information”, is recognising and discreetly annihilating “racial
ideology” from the Indian society.
Racism and India
Racial discrimination against the people from the
north-east in mainland India is an established fact. Contemporary Indian
political and social science have remained mute on the process of racialisation
of the north-east (Thounaojam 2012). No extensive literature exists that
explores and studies it (Thounaojam 2012). However, if we carefully decipher
the historical lineage of “racial ideology” in India, we need to go back to
colonial times. British rule in India lasted from 1757 to 1947. The most
fundamental and far-reaching policy that the British introduced to Indian
society was the structure of political representation in the legislative
assemblies based on the notions of proportionality (Chakraborty 2002).
Nationalists such as Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi abhorred this process
and ideology that governed it,
namely, communalism or racism(Chakraborty 2002). Among many
other things, one of the key changes brought by such legislation in the Indian
society is “race consciousnesses” among its subjects. And the post-colonial
state in India only expanded such ideology and has failed to subvert it.
Instead, race consciousness is being institutionalised by the political
establishments for petty political gains. But now, after the Kokrajhar incident
and its aftermath, it is quite apparent that not only political institutions
but also some extremist elements are striving to make the best-possible use of
such deep-rooted fault line in the Indian society. Thus, in addition to the
challenges upholding the nitty-gritty of “free information flow”, another major
challenge facing India today is to terminate the very characteristic of race
thinking in the India society which is evident in its social interactions.
The media which are considered to be the guardian of
free flow of information have a big role to play. During the initial days of
the turmoil in Kokrajhar the mainstream media had no clue of what really was
happening there. This reflects the extent of understanding our mainstream media
have on the social issues concerning India. Media in India are centred heavily
towards politics. The mainstream media and the regional media should work in
tandem and exchange information, ideas, and concerns. Particularly in a country
of India’s diversity, the media should reflect and accommodate the voices of
its entire people having so that they develop a better understanding of one
another and in the long run annihilate “racial ideology” from the Indian
Akoijam, Bimal, A., 1990, Ghosts of Colonial
Modernity: Identity and Conflict in the Eastern Frontier of South Asia,
in Peace in India’s North-east: Meaning, Metaphor and Method, ed. Prasenjit
Biswas and C. Joshua Thomas, New Delhi: Regency Publications.
Chakraborty, Dipesh, 2002, Habitations of
Modernity: Essays in the wake of subaltern studies, New Delhi: Permanent Black.
Chomsky, Noam, 1997, Propaganda and Control of
Public Mind (Recorded at Harvard Trade Union Programme, Cambridge,
Massachusetts), ArtDamage Productions: San Francisco.
Herman, S., Edward and Chomsky, Noam,
1988, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass
Media, Delhi: Random House, 2010.
Keane, John, 1991, Liberty and the
Press, in Media and Democracy, John Wiley & Sons
Mill, Stuart John, 1859, On Liberty, ed.
Gertrude Himmelfarb, UK: Penguin, 1985.
Poe, T., Marshall, 2011, Homo loquens: Humanity in
the Age of Speech, in A History of Communications: Media and Society from
the evolution of the Speech to the Internet, New York: Cambridge University
Thomas, N, Pradip, 1993, Broadcasting and State in
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19, Sage Publications.
Thounaojam, Swar, 2012, A Preface to Racial
Discourse in India: North-east and Mainland, VOL XLVII NO 32, Economic and
Political Weekly.
(The writer is a research scholar in the Department
of Mass Communication, Sikkim University.)
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